Tongue Tie practitioners and advice

tongue tie

How to find Tongue Tie practitioners and advice

Some babies are born with a ‘tongue tie’ – that is, when the little strip of skin (lingual frenulum) that connects the tongue to the mouth underneath is shorter or tighter than usual. This can lead to problems with estabishing breastfeeding, so it’s important that it is diagnosed and treated as soon as possible after birth.

Some babies are affected by this while others seem to have no problem feeding. Tongue tie seems to affect around four to 11 per cent of babies and may run in families.

It is treated by a specially trained doctor, midwife or health professional who will snip the tie. Your baby should have no effects from this and will be able to feed normally afterwards.

Here are some people you can go to for help.

The Association of Tongue Tie Practitioners has details of properly trained, registered and insured health professionals who can resolve your baby’s tongue tie.